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How did I stop loving that person? The truth is, I never did. My love for her didn’t simply disappear—it transformed. I kept loving her from a distance, in silence, carrying her in my prayers and wishing for her success and happiness. It wasn’t an easy love to bear, but it was a pure one, untouched by bitterness. Even as I was left behind, I chose to hold onto the hope that she would find the joy she deserved, even if it wasn’t with me.

While I loved her quietly, I was also healing. Day by day, I began to confront the wounds her absence left behind. I came to a profound realization: I deserved the same kind of love I had been giving so freely. That understanding didn’t lessen my love for her, but it shifted my focus. I started to believe that my own happiness mattered too, and with time, I learned how to live above the pain.

Eventually, that pain, once so overwhelming, began to fade. It wasn’t a sudden release, but a gradual letting go—a soft, almost imperceptible shift. And one day, I looked around and realized that I had moved on. Life had continued, and so had I. The love I once held for her remained, but it no longer weighed me down. Instead, it became a quiet part of who I was—a reminder of how far I had come.

🕊Ibnu Hadjar

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